Всё, что вам необходимо для изучения и совершенствования английского языка! Уникальным в данном издании является объединение в одной книге трех важнейших разделов: 'Все правила английского языка', 'Англо-русский словарь фразовых глаголов-идиом' и 'Англо-р
7.78 €
14.15 €
Экономия 6.37 €
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7.78 €
14.15 €
Экономия 6.37 €
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Walter Scott (1771—1832) was a Scottish historical novelist, poet, and playwright. Although he was an advocate and legal administrator by profession, Scott is most famous for his great literary works and activities in the Royal Highland Society. Loosely b
21.89 €
39.80 €
Экономия 17.91 €
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21.89 €
39.80 €
Экономия 17.91 €
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Charles Dickens was an English writer and social critic. At the height of his career he wrote a series of sketches, mostly set in London, which he collected as The Uncommercial Traveller. Sometimes autobiographical, as childhood experiences are interwoven
13.28 €
24.15 €
Экономия 10.87 €
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13.28 €
24.15 €
Экономия 10.87 €
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James Fenimore Cooper was a prolific and popular American writer of the first half of the 19th century. His historical romances of frontier and Indian life in the early American days created a unique form of American literature. The fourth work chronologi
26.29 €
47.80 €
Экономия 21.51 €
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26.29 €
47.80 €
Экономия 21.51 €
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Walter Scott (1771-1832) was a Scottish historical novelist, poet, and playwright. Although he was an advocate and legal administrator by profession, Scott is most famous for his great literary works and activities in the Royal Highland Society. This hist
15.37 €
27.95 €
Экономия 12.58 €
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15.37 €
27.95 €
Экономия 12.58 €
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Walter Scott (1771—1832) was a Scottish historical novelist, poet, and playwright. Although he was an advocate and legal administrator by profession, Scott is most famous for his great literary works and activities in the Royal Highland Society. 'Waverley
12.54 €
22.80 €
Экономия 10.26 €
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12.54 €
22.80 €
Экономия 10.26 €
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Jonathan Swift (1667—1745) was an Irish satirist, essayist, prose writer and poet, who has found his calling as a cleric of St Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin. 'The Battle of the Books' is the name of a short satire story published as introduction to his 'A
10.73 €
19.50 €
Экономия 8.77 €
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10.73 €
19.50 €
Экономия 8.77 €
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William Sydney Porter known by his pen name O. Henry, was an American short story writer. His wit and plot twists were adored by his readers, but often panned by the critics. Most of the stories included in Collected Short Stories are set in the early 20t
4.04 €
7.35 €
Экономия 3.31 €
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4.04 €
7.35 €
Экономия 3.31 €
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William Sydney Porter known by his pen name O. Henry, was an American short story writer. His wit and plot twists were adored by his readers, but often panned by the critics. Collected Short Stones includes amazing stories like 'The Moment of Victory', 'B
5.94 €
10.80 €
Экономия 4.86 €
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5.94 €
10.80 €
Экономия 4.86 €
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Nathaniel Hawthorne was an American novelist, a dark romantic, and short story writer. Twice-Told Tales is a volume of rearranged myths in which Hawthorne uses unexpected points of view to deftly twist the themes of classic folktales. These ironic tales i
5.47 €
9.95 €
Экономия 4.48 €
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5.47 €
9.95 €
Экономия 4.48 €
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Charles Dickens was an English writer and social critic. A Christmas Carol is the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, that starts on a Christmas Eve as cold as Scrooge's own heart. That night, he receives three ghostly visitors: the terrifying spirits of Christmas
4.84 €
8.80 €
Экономия 3.96 €
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4.84 €
8.80 €
Экономия 3.96 €
В корзину
Charles Dickens was an English writer and social critic. This volume showcases two collections of little-known sketches by Dickens. Whimsical, satirical, witty and exuberant, the sketches ridicule the behavior of their subjects with perfect comic effect,
9.79 €
17.80 €
Экономия 8.01 €
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9.79 €
17.80 €
Экономия 8.01 €
В корзину
Jack London was an American novelist, journalist and social activist Pioneering the genre of magazine fiction and prototyping science fiction, he became one of the first writers, who gained worldwide fame and a large fortune. Set in the South Pacific at t
16.03 €
29.15 €
Экономия 13.12 €
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16.03 €
29.15 €
Экономия 13.12 €
В корзину
Jack London was an American novelist, journalist and social activist. Pioneering the genre of magazine fiction and prototyping science fiction, he became one of the first writers, who gained worldwide fame and a large fortune. The Kempton-Wace Letters is
11.52 €
20.95 €
Экономия 9.43 €
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11.52 €
20.95 €
Экономия 9.43 €
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Daniel Defoe was an English trader, writer, pamphleteer and journalist. He is most famous for his novel 'Robinson Crusoe', which is second only to the Bible in its number of translations. The third book about Crusoe, Serious Reflections During the Life an
21.64 €
39.35 €
Экономия 17.71 €
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21.64 €
39.35 €
Экономия 17.71 €
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Словарь содержит более 40 000 широко используемых слов, имеет традиционную структуру, благодаря чему им легко пользоваться. Предназначен всем, кому английский язык необходим для живого общения.
3.75 €
6.81 €
Экономия 3.06 €
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3.75 €
6.81 €
Экономия 3.06 €
В корзину
Ladybird Readers is a graded reading series for English Language Teaching (ELT) markets, designed for children learning English as a foreign or second language.
Polar bears, seals, and penguins live in the Arctic and Antarctica. They must work hard to fi
Polar bears, seals, and penguins live in the Arctic and Antarctica. They must work hard to fi
5.03 €
9.15 €
Экономия 4.12 €
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5.03 €
9.15 €
Экономия 4.12 €
В корзину
Роман Уилки Коллинза 'Женщина в белом' по праву занимает одно из видных мест в ряду лучших образцов английской литературы XIX в.
Любовь и предрассудки, стяжательство и преступления - темы вечные, поэтому роман, написанный более 100 лет назад, и сейчас зах
Любовь и предрассудки, стяжательство и преступления - темы вечные, поэтому роман, написанный более 100 лет назад, и сейчас зах
4.37 €
7.95 €
Экономия 3.58 €
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4.37 €
7.95 €
Экономия 3.58 €
В корзину
A fascinating glimpse into design behind the Iron Curtain, revealed through the products and graphics of everyday Soviet life.
This captivating survey of Soviet design from 1950 to 1989 features more than 350 items from the Moscow Design Museum's unique
This captivating survey of Soviet design from 1950 to 1989 features more than 350 items from the Moscow Design Museum's unique
90.47 €
164.50 €
Экономия 74.03 €
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90.47 €
164.50 €
Экономия 74.03 €
В корзину
Career Paths: Information Technology is a new educational resource for information technology professionals who want to improve their English communication skills in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offe
21.72 €
39.50 €
Экономия 17.78 €
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21.72 €
39.50 €
Экономия 17.78 €
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