Jack London (1876 - 1916) was an American novelist, journalist and social activist. Pioneering the genre of magazine fiction and prototyping science fiction, he became one of the first writers, who gained worldwide fame and a large fortune. This collectio
11.19 €
20.35 €
Экономия 9.16 €
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11.19 €
20.35 €
Экономия 9.16 €
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Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell was an English novelist, biographer, and short story writer. Mary Barton is a story of the daughter of trade unionist, who rejects her working-class lover Jem Wilson in the hope of marrying Henry Carson, the mill owner's son, an
28.57 €
51.95 €
Экономия 23.38 €
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28.57 €
51.95 €
Экономия 23.38 €
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Данный cамоучитель предназначен для начинающих изучать иврит. Курс состоит из 5 частей, позволяющих овладеть навыками чтения и письма, усвоить основные правила грамматики, познакомиться с особенностями частей речи и синтаксиса, приобрести большой запас сл
6.49 €
11.80 €
Экономия 5.31 €
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6.49 €
11.80 €
Экономия 5.31 €
В корзину
История Санкт-Петербурга на испанском языке.
9.43 €
17.15 €
Экономия 7.72 €
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9.43 €
17.15 €
Экономия 7.72 €
В корзину
Книга кандидата тех. наук Третьяковой Э.В. посвящена исследованию особенностей древнейшего из языков, ведийского санскрита, на котором созданы первые литературные памятники на земле - Веды, а также сокровенного смысла главной и древнейшей из Вед - Ригведы
10.53 €
19.15 €
Экономия 8.62 €
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10.53 €
19.15 €
Экономия 8.62 €
В корзину
Перед вами вершина творчества американского писателя Ф.С. Фицджеральда — роман 'Великий Гэтсби'. Текст произведения адаптирован и снабжен параллельным переводом на русский язык. Для проверки понимания прочитанного в книге даны упражнения с ответами и англ
5.94 €
10.80 €
Экономия 4.86 €
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5.94 €
10.80 €
Экономия 4.86 €
В корзину
Little by little, we all learned something in some way… And like Onegin, I was passing my life way. But by old age, all the experience appeared, Perhaps, someone would like to read it or to hear. Now, my dear reader, my work became the tale. I hope, it's
9.79 €
17.80 €
Экономия 8.01 €
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9.79 €
17.80 €
Экономия 8.01 €
В корзину
F.S. Fitzgerald was an American writer, whose works illustrate the Jazz Age. The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald's third book, stands as the supreme achievement of his career. Being acclaimed by generations of readers, the story of the fabulously wealthy Jay Gat
12.29 €
22.35 €
Экономия 10.06 €
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12.29 €
22.35 €
Экономия 10.06 €
В корзину
F.S. Fitzgerald was an American writer, whose works illustrate the Jazz Age. The Beautiful and Damned, first published in 1922, is Fitzgerald's second novel. It explores and portrays New York society and the American Eastern elite during the Jazz Age befo
13.83 €
25.15 €
Экономия 11.32 €
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13.83 €
25.15 €
Экономия 11.32 €
В корзину
Sir Henry Rider Haggard was an English writer of adventure novels set mostly in Africa, and a founder of the Lost World literary genre. Colonel Quaritch is a story of an impoverished nobleman, who is looking for the family jewels of his bride — the 'treas
22.44 €
40.80 €
Экономия 18.36 €
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22.44 €
40.80 €
Экономия 18.36 €
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Charles Dickens was an English writer and social critic. Dombey and Son is a story of Paul Dombey, a heartless London merchant who runs his domestic affairs as he runs his business. In the tight orbit of his daily life there is no room for dealing with em
24.09 €
43.80 €
Экономия 19.71 €
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24.09 €
43.80 €
Экономия 19.71 €
В корзину
Charles Dickens was an English writer and social critic. At the height of his career he wrote a series of sketches, mostly set in London, which he collected as The Uncommercial Traveller. Sometimes autobiographical, as childhood experiences are interwoven
13.28 €
24.15 €
Экономия 10.87 €
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13.28 €
24.15 €
Экономия 10.87 €
В корзину
James Fenimore Cooper was a prolific and popular American writer of the first half of the 19th century. His historical romances of frontier and Indian life in the early American days created a unique form of American literature. The Chainbearer is the sec
26.67 €
48.50 €
Экономия 21.83 €
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26.67 €
48.50 €
Экономия 21.83 €
В корзину
James Fenimore Cooper was a prolific and popular American writer of the first half of the 19th century. His historical romances of frontier and Indian life in the early American days created a unique form of American literature. The Deerslayer was the las
25.27 €
45.95 €
Экономия 20.68 €
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25.27 €
45.95 €
Экономия 20.68 €
В корзину
'Речевой тренажёр' составлен по современной методике: фразы организованы не по темам, а по ключевым словам, которые расположены по алфавиту.
Зная ключевой термин, можно без труда найти нужное выражение, которое требуется в той или иной ситуации.
Зная ключевой термин, можно без труда найти нужное выражение, которое требуется в той или иной ситуации.
7.59 €
13.80 €
Экономия 6.21 €
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7.59 €
13.80 €
Экономия 6.21 €
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Walter Scott (1771—1832) was a Scottish historical novelist, poet, and playwright. Although he was an advocate and legal administrator by profession, Scott is most famous for his great literary works and activities in the Royal Highland Society. 'Waverley
20.08 €
36.50 €
Экономия 16.42 €
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20.08 €
36.50 €
Экономия 16.42 €
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Jonathan Swift (1667—1745) was an Irish satirist, essayist, prose writer and poet, who has found his calling as a cleric of St Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin. 'The Battle of the Books' is the name of a short satire story published as introduction to his 'A
10.73 €
19.50 €
Экономия 8.77 €
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10.73 €
19.50 €
Экономия 8.77 €
В корзину
Jonathan Swift (1667—1745) was an Irish satirist, essayist, prose writer and poet, who has found his calling as a cleric of St Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin. This book is the first volume of the extensive collection of Swift's best poems.
10.42 €
18.95 €
Экономия 8.53 €
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10.42 €
18.95 €
Экономия 8.53 €
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Nathaniel Hawthorne was an American novelist, a dark romantic, and short story writer. Twice-Told Tales is a volume of rearranged myths in which Hawthorne uses unexpected points of view to deftly twist the themes of classic folktales. These ironic tales i
4.04 €
7.35 €
Экономия 3.31 €
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4.04 €
7.35 €
Экономия 3.31 €
В корзину
Nathaniel Hawthorne was an American novelist, a dark romantic, and short story writer. Collected Short Stories is Hawthorne's interesting story collection, which was written in honor of The Old Manse, where Hawthorne and his wife lived for the first three
5.39 €
9.80 €
Экономия 4.41 €
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5.39 €
9.80 €
Экономия 4.41 €
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